Discussion Tips for Auto Insurance Adjuster Interviews
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety Division reported that in 2014 there were 78,396 car accidents reported to their office. There were 143,681 vehicles and 190,070 people involved in these accidents, which resulted in 361 fatalities and 29,439 injuries. Overall, the financial cost of these collisions amounted to more than an estimated 1.6 billion dollars. If these statistics were to be broken down, 215 accidents, one death, and 81 injuries happened every day, on average, at a cost of almost 4.4 million dollars.
Considering the number of accidents which take place every day, it’s unfortunate that people are often naïve when it comes to speaking with their insurance adjuster. This naivety includes information that should and should be shared, including personal information, details of the accident, and injuries, among others.
Things to Consider when Speaking with a Minnesota Car Insurance Adjuster
Understanding what information to share, or not share, as well as what to agree to, or not agree to, are important points when it comes to a discussion with an adjuster. The first and most important thing to understand is that the adjuster doesn’t work for you. They work for the insurance company, whose business objective is to make money, not give it away.
When you first begin your conversation with the adjuster, they will more than likely ask if they have your permission to record the phone call. Despite any efforts to convince you otherwise, always refuse to allow them to record the interview. You are not required to give permission, and you shouldn’t, under any circumstances.
Keep your composure and remain calm during your discussion. Carrying extra anxiety can cause you to misspeak, give unnecessary details, or speak out of turn. Losing your temper will only give the adjuster more reasons not to approve your claim. In order to stay calm, take a deep breath and relax and be courteous and friendly.
Before the adjuster begins the interview questions, ask for their name and contact information, as well as the name of their company and address. You will want to have this information when the need arises.
Personal information is necessary for the adjuster to identify you, know how to contact you, when necessary, and know where to send mail. You should give out your name, address, phone number and even your employer’s address. Beyond that, there is no requirement to give any additional information, such as your medical history or your income.
Never give a formal statement describing the details of your accident. Information such as the date and time, and the makes and models of the vehicles involved are acceptable. However, there is no requirement to give detailed information about the circumstances of the accident.
Also, don’t discuss information about injuries sustained in the accident, even if the adjuster asks. Politely refuse to give this information, as it’s possible that you may leave something out, or your injuries may worsen.
Finally, never agree to a settlement offer. Insurance adjuster may offer a settlement in order to quickly close the claim and convince you to agree to less financial compensation that you may otherwise be entitled to. It may be tempting to hasten the claims process, but doing so will almost certainly cost you money.
Call a Minnesota Automobile Accident Attorney
If you or someone you love is injured in an automobile accident, it is important to speak to a Minnesota auto accident attorney as soon as possible. You may even wish to discuss speaking to an attorney prior to communicating with the insurance adjuster from the other side. The experienced automobile accident attorneys at McEwen & Kestner understand the legal issues that may arise in a vehicle accident and will always strive to ensure you recover any losses you may have incurred as a result. Please call our office at 800-732-3070 today or send an email to pkestner@mcewenlaw.com.
[1] https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/ots/reports-statistics/Documents/2014-crash-facts.pdf