McEwen & Kestner, PLLC is known throughout Minnesota and the United States as a successful personal injury law firm. We have based our steady growth and hard-earned reputation on building quality relations with our clients as we strive to satisfy their legal requirements. It has been the goal of our firm from its inception to bring to the public the highest quality of legal services to insure the best of possible outcomes to their cases.
Our Minnesota auto accident attorneys are committed to protecting the rights of clients who have been injured in automobile, motorcycle, boat, or trucking accidents. Regardless of the nature of your injury or claim our law firm is dedicated to the deliverance of the highest quality of legal service in protection of your right under the law to be made whole once again.
Our staff of attorneys has a great deal of depth, covering a variety of legal disciplines. For example, one of our attorneys was formerly an integral part of the defense team of a large insurance company; now providing us with an insider’s point of view on the defense strategies employed by these large corporate entities and how finesses them to persuade their legal teams to work with us on a just settlement. This experience lends a great advantage to our ability to act successfully on behalf of our clients.
The financial lives and well being of many people today are quite fragile. We understand the importance of putting one’s life back in order after a traumatic experience as a result of another’s negligence.